Thursday, October 23, 2008

Shopping habits of GIRLS

I am a final year engineering student which means i am encountering unanswerable and un-understandable questions for the past 5 years in my vivas. I've also felt stumped by some questions during my job interviews. I've felt illiterate. But all these questions were such which i could have known... maybe. But these are nothing compared to what girls can ask you. Like:
Q1. Which color suits me more copper or silver??
Ans. What????
Q2. Should i try out a noodle skirt or a haram-pant??
Ans. Are these food items???
Q3. (In a shop..) Will these ear buds go with my "THAT" black frock???
Ans. ...................
I mean half of the times i don't know whether they are questions or declarative statements. How am i supposed to know whether a step hair-cut is better than a laser-cut or not (these are the scientific names of some of the hair cut species) or does a strap shoe looks better than step shoes along with capries. And this list is endless full of surprises , stuff you did not know existed suddenly comes bang in front of you confronting you and demanding your opinion and rating. And a girl might shop for hours in seven different shops inspecting seventeen hundred different things without actually taking anything. OMG!!!!

A girl will go into the shop to buy just a packet of salt or a magi and then will start examining all the make-up items, all kind of clothes and accesories and on watever she stumbles on the way.. Y ????? y not leave with what you want and come back for the remaining stuff when u actually need it.. but if they change all these they wont be girls ne more rt??

Tips for guys when out shopping with a girl and being bombarded by alien questions:

1. If it is a question about smthing suits her or not and you dont have an iota of an idea what she is talking about... dont look lost.. safest answer is u look good in everything..if she smiles ur safe, if she is still staring..u look amazing in this.

2. Never try to give unproffesional advices.. they will know u are lying.

3. ya, dont look at other girls while she is shopping.

4. girls love comparing themselves with other girls.. especially if the other girl is looking bad.. Do not negate her.. whatever she is saying is correct.

5. a girl saying ok now lets shop for u is a very dangerous comment.. she will just get u in the mall and wander in the ladies section.. dont fall in this trap.

6. look cheerfull while she is shopping, giving irritated expressions is very wrong.. that will hurt her which u certainly wont like..

when i am out shopping with my friend a big problem i face sometimes is when she gets struck between which 1 to buy.. this one or that one... this is a very time consuming situation, she wants both but doesnt want to waste so much cash... my solution gift her 1 of them.. the smile she will give u is priceless...

so now ur all ready to go shopping... have fun...