Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The GAJJABB Phenomenon

All our life we have used certain lingos in different phases of our life. We have caught those lingos unaware and later they became a part of our vocab. When i came to this college the coolest lingo was ironically "Cool Hai". Every situation whether good, awesome, bad, pathetic, suicidal was some how referred to as cool hai. But in these three years the cool hai syndrome has slowly detoriated and has been replaced by a more irritating more loud lingo known as "Aree Gajjabb". Yes it sounds cheap and believe me it is cheap. Quoting Arundhati Roy Aree Gajjabb has seeped into the like college vocab. like tea from a teabag. Every instance is followed by a loud harsh chorus of arre gajjabb. They first years are more noticeably affected by this. In the recently organised radio auditions i came to realise that the 1st years actually think of arre gajjabb as the most awesome thing they have come across. Children are so lame when they are in school. Gajjab can be considered as the Hindi translation of the word Miracle. In other words guys in our college have become so lame that the simplest of things appears like a miracle to them. This gajab thing is more irritating bcoz of the variety it comes in. I used to think the slow motion "aaaaaaarrrrreeeeeeee ggaaaaaaaaajjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbb..........." is the most irritating form till my roomie started using "aree gazaaaa" in a speed of humming bird wing flapping/sec. And he uses this for every sentence i , he or anyone speaks.

"No class today" Aree gazaaaa....

"Ohh.. i lost my purse" Aree gazaaaa....

" I am going to sneeze" Aree gazaaaa....

"..... " Aree gazaaaa.... It torments me after every sentence or moment of silence

The speed with which its eating into our college soon we will have multi linguistic forms of arre gajabb...

some hypothetical examples...:

1. Bengali :- Gojjob to bhai..

2. Punjabi :- Oye Gajjab, gajjab Oye

3. Tamil :- Aiyo Gajjab Da...

4. Gujarati :- Aa to Gajjab Che

5. Tapori :- Aila Gajjab

and as our college goes abroad as we can see this year some truly gajjab public are going to Turkey, Italy.... we will soon have gajjab versions in foreign languages too like :-

1. French :- La Gajjab

2. Russian :- Gajjab Da..

3. American :- Gajjab You, Gajjab You, Gajjab You....

Maybe soon companies will also change there tag lines to suit the gajjab revolution like say.

Intel - Intel outside, Gajjab inside...... Unlike my college people who are gajjab outside, idiot inside.
Idea - gajjab Idea Sirji....

Ohh i am sick of this. people use this phrase more no. of times than they blink their eyelids in a day. Its really sad to see the kind of people who are currently infesting the college with their pathetic gajjab way of thinking.. When will people realise that its ur inner quality and not ur screaming for attention which makes you truly gajjab.